Stem Cell Therapy Trial..

I am going to fast forward a little so my readers don’t have to wait till I get to this part of the story. Stem cell therapy shows huge promise for MS because of what it does and can possibly repair. There are different types and not all yield the same benefits, according to my research. Many companies are advertising fat derived stem cells and hoping it will repair MS damage but it is not so. The only two that are truly beneficial according to what i found is the one taken from the actual umbilical cord, and the other is from the patients own bone marrow. The stem cell procedure is simple and it is unbelievable the cost to patients. My trial was over $12k plus about $6k in blood work. Let me tell you quickly what you are charged for. They numbed my pelvis area above around the hip where it was a little pointy, then the Doctor came in with a big syringe and explained that it wont hurt but I will feel discomfort. The tip of the syringe is a needle to pierce that led to the part that screws in. After he reaches bone, then he puts a ton of pressure almost like my pelvis was going to explode as he twists, then I felt the pressure release as it popped the cavity into my bone marrow. One of the weirdest parts was when he started to draw my bone marrow, I literally felt almost like a vacuum pulling it out. After they extracted my bone marrow I was given antibiotics and instructions on cleaning and helping the wound heal. I was then put in a waiting room for about 20 to 30 minutes, I was then given a mask to breath in something through my nose to help absorption and an I.V. to open my veins.

The Dr. came and went to my I.V. and injected it right into the bag, the fluid was pink and i was watching it enter my vein. I remember as soon as it made it into my vein I looked up at my uncle in the room and asked if the lights got brighter. As i looked around the office colors were vibrant. Next the Dr. came in and told me to lay on the end of the table with my head tilted off the edge. He then placed a cotton swab in one nostril at a time dripped the stem cell fluid in both nostrils. I was told not swallow for as long as i could so they could get to work. It was awkward but I was excited for results. I stuck to diet and took supplements then decided to get MRI. No new lesions but old ones were still very active. After further research into all the damage my body has endured, it would probably take more than 10 procedures to repair it all. Physically I can’t say there were any gains but i do believe in the process just not the cost. I believe it is way overcharged for the simple process of putting the fluid in a machine that spins it at about 6000 rpm and the stems can multiply from a few hundred thousand to millions.


My hand is cramping and will add more when I can. I will edit as well. Feel free to ask questions and follow to stay up to date. Share with friends and I will do my best not to bore anyone.

Links Updated for supplements! Happy Monday!! Quick helpful supplement list.

The challenges we are faced with develop stronger character and prepares us for the future. Asking why things happen sometimes only makes the situation worse. When you have a chronic illness mental stress affects you physically. Don’t allow others to make you worse, I know easier said than done. It happens to me but I see it as part of learning process, although after 16 years I should’ve learned by now. Stress hits us hard and pain is sure to follow. Below will be a short list of supplements I’ve used to help, I will update brands at a later time. Everything is natural and please do a little research so you understand or feel free to ask and I can provide. Stress/anxiety

  1. 5-htp 50mg (first on the list because it is my favorite and works best. I’ve found 50mg or 100mg to be best dosing. Morning if gives you energy or night if makes you tired.)
  2. Kava Kava Capsules Kava Kava Liquid Drops(similar but definitely your research before.)
  3. Magnesium Capsules Thorne CALMAG (good for stress and pain. Epsom salt foot bath works. Last resort can be capsules but I highly recommend a product called CALMAG. It is highly absorbed calcium and magnesium. Click to view either product on amazon )
  4. Peppermint essential oil (just smell from bottle or get a diffuser. Will provide recommendations at another time. If not put boil water in a bowl add a drop or two. You just inhale or get towel and place over head and breath deep)
  5. Lavender essential oil (same process as peppermint and they both mix well if you want to combine. Will go deeper into essential oils in future posts.)
  6. Frankincense (1 of its many applications. Google frankincense, it’s one of the most powerful and beneficial oils.)
  7. If legal Medical Marijuana. (Tinctures/oils work well and different strains address different issues. Edibles as well but be careful.)

More to come…


  1. Longvida Turmeric (one of the best supplements I’ve ever used. Works for everything from headaches to joint pain.)
  2. Theracurmin Turmeric 30mg Best absorbed(another great product for pain and inflammation. Turmeric thins the blood so do your research and talk to a physician if you have thin blood.
  3. Kratom (there has been an ongoing fight between Kratom united group and the other side for false information leading to the criminalization of the plant. It is already legal in most cities again and they are currently fighting for nationwide. Look it up and if it is legal where you are I can help you find a good source. Be careful where you get it.)
  4. Nordic Naturals 1000mg ProOmega (high dha. It’s helpful for inflammation and many MS forums say it’s a necessity. I highly recommend. Good source is important. Wild caught fish. Will give brands soon.)
  5. If legal Medical Marijuana. (Tinctures/oils work well and different strains address different issues. Edibles as well but be careful.)
  6. Drink lots of water, a good recommendation is ounce of water for pound of weight. Limit sugars and gluten as they cause inflammation and the effects can linger. Sometimes it’s delayed.

    That’s it for now, more to come soon and if anyone has any questions or additions please feel free to leave in the comments. Sorry for any errors. I have terrible insomnia and have been up since 4:40.

    Help people deal with MS.

    This was created with one goal in mind and that is to share my 16 years of dealing with MS and other issues related to it to possibly help others in their own fight. I will provide personal insight as well as research over the years into the things that worked and what didn’t. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. I also did a stem cell trial in New York that I will be talking about soon.

    My 16+ year battle with MS. Part 1.

    My first visible signs showed up around September 2001, I was only 15 at the time and didn’t know what was going on. We were active kids back then, either riding our bikes, playing basketball or doing some outdoor activity. In early 2001 there were little signs but it was impossible to tell what was going on. October my left leg was getting heavier with less feeling and by mid November I started to question a little but always brushed it off and told everyone i was okay. Dates are foggy from back then but I believe it was early December when I was changing the litter at the bottom of my Umbrella Cockatoo’s (Major) cage, he was a big boy so he had like a 5 foot cage and pretty big collection at the bottom. The Clonus kicked in when I was pulling it out of the cage I fell back with no energy to move. I stayed quiet not to alert anyone but I couldn’t move and was stuck for at least 20 minutes. Then my Dad walked by and saw me on the floor, he called 911 and they rushed me to the hospital where the real story began. There are so many side stories and things that occurred through the process that I will be breaking it into parts. I will also share the many things I’ve tried over the years as well as my fight with MS, not using any controller drugs plus the horrible process of quitting Imuran and all the other prescriptions. I’m not anti anything but the damage done to my organs was causing organ failures by 20. I actually had a unchecked irregular heartbeat for years. There are many supplements I incorporated through my 16+ year war and many things I learned that did not work. My goal is to share my experiences and possibly help others make better decisions to aid in defeating this evil disease that destroys us from the inside out. Feel free to ask question and my goal is to update new content at least 3 times per week. For anyone suffering with inflammation and pain, I use a product called Longvida Turmeric. I stumbled across this and it is the best product I’ve used and it only took about 15 years to find. I also bought the Vitamin Vape B12 vape pen and it is AMAZING!! Im B12 deficient and even the methyl form doesn’t work well but these pens work great! Good energy is hard to find with Chronic fatigue but these really do work. Please use my code to get 25% or contact me if you live in the US and want only 1 pen. I ship anywhere in US for $20 each.

    This is my first blog and I’m doing it because many people have requested over the years. I promise I will get better as I go through and learn the process.